Redesigning Social Housing against Poverty in Europe

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Polis, vol. 32, n.1, 2018

Special issue: "Le politiche per l'affitto in Italia" (Public policy towards the rental sector in Italy)

Una special issue di Polis sulle politiche per l'affitto in Italia, curata da Teresio Poggio, propone quattro contributi su questo tema - oltre a un editoriale - a partire da alcuni degli studi presentati nella conferenza finale di RESHAPE.
Questi i contenuti del numero monografico (link):
  • Teresio Poggio:
    Ripensare l'affitto in un paese di proprietari (Rethinking the Rental Sector in a Land of Homeowners)
  • Elena Bargelli, Ranieri Bianchi:
    La locazione abitativa a vent'anni dalla riforma del 1998 (Residential Tenancies Twenty Years after the 1998 Reform)
  • Teresio Poggio, Dmitri Boreiko:
    L'affitto sociale in Italia: criticità e prospettive (Social Housing in Italy: Critical Issues and Prospects) in Polis vol.32, n. 1, pp. 45-76.
  • Alice Boni, Marta Cordini:
    Edilizia residenziale pubblica e morosità. L'espansione della vulnerabilità tra gli inquilini di alloggi sociali in Lombardia (Social Housing and Rent Arrears. The Expansion of Vulnerability among Social Dwellers in Lombardy)
  • Massimo Bricocoli, Eleonora Gnan, Benedetta Marani:
    Quartieri immobili. Carriere abitative e gestione dell'edilizia residenziale pubblica: riflessioni a partire da un caso studio (Immobile Neighbourhoods. Housing Carreers and the Management of Social Housing: Remarks from a Case Study)

Critical Housing Analysis, 2, 2017

Social Housing after the Global Financial Crisis: Further Evidence

The special issue Social Housing after the Global Financial Crisis: Further Evidence, edited by Teresio Poggio and Christine Whitehead, and co-edited by József Hegedüs, Martin Lux and Kathleen Scanlon, provides a critical analysis of social housing policies and their most recent developments across a further eight European countries (adding to the fourteen countries and two cross-country analyses included in the previous issue). The final paper of the issue provides evidence and experience from Evaluation Department of the Council of Europe Development Bank concerning independent evaluations of Bank financed operations in the social housing sector.
The special issue is a joint initiative of Critical Housing Analysis and of the RESHAPE project. The articles are open access. Authors and titles are as follows:

Critical Housing Analysis, 1, 2017

Social Housing after the Global Financial Crisis: New Trends across Europe

The special issue Social Housing after the Global Financial Crisis: New Trends across Europe, edited by Teresio Poggio and Christine Whitehead, and co-edited by József Hegedüs, Martin Lux and Kathleen Scanlon, provides critical analysis of social housing policies and their most recent development across fourteen European countries together with an overview of longer term trends. It offers a unique information on recent changes in social housing in number of European countries that aims to contribute to our understanding of social housing in two directions: (a) investigating countries that are less represented in the international literature; (b) updating previous findings and monitoring the effects of the global financial crisis.
The special issue is a joint initiative of Critical Housing Analysis and of the RESHAPE project. The articles are open access. Authors and titles are as follows:

Buildings in Instambul